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BOSTON "The sPot"
Here is a place for young & active Jewish men & women to exchange dialogue in a comfortable setting in hopes of establishing friendships that would have otherwise never came about. So get in here and Mix it Up! Do it for BOSTON....
I look foward to meeting you... -MozZLe
To all Tha fellaz: this ain't the place for that fake-ass Don Juan bullshit!!! If I start to see all the ladies stampeeding out the back door of the venue, and I ask them why, and they tell me it's cuz a whole bunch of ass-clowns with industrial size cans of hairspray came rushin' in and they thought they were in some kind of David Hassel-Hoff look-a-like contest...I'm pullin the plug on the whole operation... ReSpEk; SaFe Topic(s): Communications & Networking, Entrepreneurs Company, Extreme Sports, Hardware, International Business, Massage, Professional Women, & Hip-Hop Music, Seasoned Professionals, Single Parents, Small Business Owners, Smoking, Startup Companies, Travel Partners, Video/Photography, Working from Home, Working mothers, Young and Retired |
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